After every 12 years Kumbh
comes to Haridwar which drawns more than half a million people. The last Kumbh
happened in year 1998 in which Sahaja Parivar of Haridwar organized an
Exhibition during Mela.
All the seekers of Truth who visited our stall were explained how
Self-Realization can be achieved so effortlessly through Sahajayoga. The
beneficial effects of Self-Realization and Sahajayoga in our life were also
explained. Through pictures and posters the subtle system of our body was
exhibited and various aspects of Sahaja Yoga were depicted. The importance of
Seven CHAKRAS and 3 NADIS were explained to the visitors who came in large
number. The beautifully decorated Sahajayoga stall was the center of attraction
of the Kumbh Mela. Self-Realization programs were organized everyday through
which thousands of seekers got the Self-Realization. The complete program
lasted for 50 days and everybody felt the vibrations during the Kumbh Mela
whoever visited the SahajaYoga Stall.
The program concluded on 21st APRIL 1998 and an appreciation letter was given to Sahajayoga and its Stall by Gazetted Mela officer.